PoroMechanics Institute
University of Oklahoma
Younane N. Abousleiman, Ph.D.
Larry W. Brummett/ONEOK Chair and Professor,
Mewbourne School of Petroleum & Geological Engineering,
School of Geology & Geophysics, and Sarkeys Energy Center.
Adjunct Professor, School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science.
Minh Tran
Ph.D, Petroleum & Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A. (Present)
M.S., Petroleum & Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A. (2009)
B.S., Petroleum & Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A. (2006)
EMail: tranhaminh83@OU.EDU
Son Hoang
Ph.D. Candidate, Civil Engineering & Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman , U.S.A. (Present)
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, U.S.A. (2003)
EMail: sonhoang@OU.EDU
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Alberto Ortega
Ph.D. Student, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Present)
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2005)
B.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University (2000)
EMail: ortega@MIT.EDU