"Why would anyone want to join the iPMI IT team?"
Beyond the obvious. "The Best always look for the Best".
The iPMI IT Team is one of the most prestigious places of work for students at
OU. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Younane Abousleiman, the team works in collaboration with
the iPMI Research team and work on various software projects that interest the
petroleum industry. But it isn't easy when what we are trying to describe is a
certain feeling of joie de vivre; a feeling of energy and vitality, of
freshness, of a place where people work in a great work atmosphere, are
unafraid to voice new ideas, of a place which prepares you for the industry.
It is more of a school where you learn, work and enjoy it all. If you are one
of those IT enthusiasts, who enjoy to work on challenges that are stimulating
and exciting and which bring out the best in you, you would love it here.
You'll build a personality here, that you will always be proud of.
Do you have it in you to be part of the iPMI family? To be technically adept? To be creative and
innovative? Do you have a passion to excel? Four times yes is what we expect.